Gym thoughts of this 60 years old, not the same as a 22 year old
Some of you may know I exercise on a regular basis. I usually go to the gym 4 to 6 days a week depending on what I’ve got scheduled. Allergies were pretty bad the night before this picture. I was glad the swelling around my eyes had gone down.
The picture you see above was after I did my weights for the day then 10 burpee box step ups every minute for 5 rounds with a minute break in between. I need to do more cardio, which was evident, after 15 seconds of jumping at double dutch last week. Boy was I winded.
There are mirrors going across a wall at the gym where I was doing my burpees and box step ups. I see a I young lady, she’s 22 or 23. I’ve seen her before. Her hair is mid back, it’s wavy and looks nice. She puts her mat down, stands in front of the mirror, starts “fixing” her hair (it wasn’t out of place as far as I could tell.) I start thinking, honey you look beautiful. I look at my hair and think how grateful I was both pony tails stayed in with all my getting up and down with those burpees. I’m sweating, breathing a bit heavy and so glad when I finished.
She had her makeup on, I have none on not even lip gloss. I am glad I can get my self up and down off the floor. She doesn’t even think about that, I’m sure. Her outfit matched, mine kind of did.
I wouldn’t even look in the mirror if it wasn’t right in front of me. She liked looking at herself in the mirror. Maybe if my hair looked as good as hers and my clothes matched, I would’ve been looking more at myself.
I really noticed the differences that day in this 60 year old and those in their 20’s. I go and want to work out, not really caring if my clothes match or what my hair looks like (obviously). I make sure I have my orthotics in and hope I can get my work out done in 45-60 minutes.
I’m happy to see people at the gym exercising. I hope that 22 year old will still be working out when she’s 60, with no need for orthotics. I hope her hair stays as beautiful as it is now.
I do notice other people’s shoes. I just had to take a picture of these. I did ask the guy if I could. I didn't want to be a creepy old lady. I hope I can find a pair for me.
I enjoyed crossfit for many years but when my mom got diagnosed with cancer and my dad had “stuff”, there were quite a few doctor appointments I needed to go to. I needed a gym I could go to anytime. For those of you who don’t know how crossfit works, they have classes and you need to go to a class. They do have a 6:30 am class but I needed my mornings to get other things done. I joined a gym called Eos, very close to the house. I signed up with a trainer for twice a month. Actually, I had no idea how to use most of those machines, so I was really needing the trainer to go over some with me. At crossfit people work out pretty intensely and they cheer each other on. It’s the only place I’ve been that when you are last you get the biggest cheers. Everyone else is done and hoping you get done soon too. I’ve never been to an “unfriendly” crossfit box. When traveling, my husband and I have dropped in to different ones. It’s so different than an Eos or Planet Fitness gym.
The workers at Eos are so nice and welcome you in and tell you to have a good workout. I have met a few people. We chat about different things and even help each other modify or do a different exercise if “our” machine is being used. There’s a room without machines where you can get a mat and do some floor exercises, use a ball , kettlebells, bench press etc. it’s a small area. I was working on a hand stand pushup when I left Crossfit. There is only one small wall space at Eos, my current gym. If the space is open, I do handstand holds. I think I’ll get a punchcard and drop in at Crossfit a couple days a week.
I just had my 2nd acupuncture appointment today and I found out my doctor went to crossfit too and she really misses it. We are trying to help my plantar fasciitis and WOW my back hasn’t felt this good in a long time.
I’m so thankful for the mobility I have and so thankful for the different treatments out there.
One of the most important things to do, at any age is keep stress to a minimum. I say minimum because we all have stress.
Not sure what you do to stay as stress free as possible.
I’ll share a couple things I do.
I’m finding IF I get up around 5:30am (happens about 3 times a week), pour my coffee, talk to God, read His Word and other books good for my heart and brain, my day is less stressful than when I don’t do this. I do check facebook, emails and I’m starting to listen to some podcasts if I have time. Depending on how early I have to check in on clients, I may go to the gym before or after 9:30am.
I know this time in my life is like no other time. I am not holding a 40 hour a week job. I am doing what I need to help my 85 year old parents. I was reminded months back that the last 2.5 years my ministry has been my parents. My mom is now cancer free and as much as I don’t like shopping, I’m glad when she has the energy to go (for an hour or 2….before she was sick she could be out shopping 6 hours!)
Stay healthy for you…and that will bless others. Know where your strength comes from.
I can do all things through him who strengthens me. Philippians 4:13
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